Art and Cars and Sex

Cars can be super sexy and art sublimely beautiful, this then, is one red hot collaboration. Art Drive has been running for 35 years and BMW now has an extraordinary collection of customised cars, including Koons, Holzer, Hockney and Warhol, literally anyone art-pop has got their sticky paws on these voluptuous, highly charged machines and performed an automobile alchemy. It is the first time these cars will come to London and they are being hosted by the ICA off site at the Great Eastern Street Car Park, Shoreditch. 

Which one would you choose? As fine art, mine is Jenny Holzer's, so true Jenny, so true! Then the years of 1975-77 are rather special, though it has to be the body work of the cars and my nostalgia as much as the art, a really superb time in design. I've always wanted a boxy Beemer to boot about town in, jungle bass kicking in and general showing off. And in my fantasy garage – in my fantasy house with my kitchen island and infinity pool in the back yard – I'd own  Alexander Calder's (75), Frank Stella's (76) and Roy Litchenstien's (77). Call me greedy, but in my fantasy life I wouldn't have to choose. 

Don't miss it. Honk Honk!

BMW Art Cars is a partnership with BMW, London 2012 Cultural Olympiad and Mayor of London.