NY Art Book Fair

If any further evidence was needed on the future of Print and Publishing and its popularity, simply pop over to New York today and visit the last day of the New York Art Book Fair. I’m pretty sure that by now we should all be in agreement that it’s not digital orprint, but that both can work alongside each other, and it’s more about what you’re publishing, and to what media.

In terms of periodical publishing, whilst I doubt the long term print future of magazines such as Vogue or Frieze – which I think can work just as beautifully as a iPad app whilst offering exciting digital ‘extras’ – it’s magazines such as my personal favourite, Kilimanjaro, that will no doubt have a long future in physical form. Kilimanjaro pays as much attention to its media as it does to its content. It encourages the eye to wallow in generous images saturating a surface that is immediately tactile and luxurious.