Painting. The Holy Grail.

Nick Waplington and Alec Kronacker open painting shows next week. Kronacker's Life at Sea opens at Southard Reid from next Wednesday evening and Waplington's The Artifice of Eternity is at Mark Hix's Tramshed from Thursday.  I like them both. Kronacker (more here) pushes some fantastical nostalgic buttons of a made up history in me and Nick's is grotesquely persuasive on the eyes. Really looking forward to looking and feeling the pleasure that vision brings. 

I don't care what anyone says, painting is still the best art. Full-the-fuck-stop.

(Though, having said that, Nick did tell me that one of the artists in the group show currently at Hix individually gold plated a pack of Monster Munch, which is just about the best idea in art I have heard since Deller's inflatable Stonehenge.)

Painting: Alec Kronaker, House of Actresses' Legs, 2012